

Social rides - Tasmania

Celebrate winter with a warming ride

As we head into the winter months there are still plenty of social rides being organised to keep you warm, including a Christmas in June. celebration.

Take me to the river

We’ve got another water themed social rides program over the next fortnight with multiple River Derwent rides in Hobart and a loop around Port Sorell in the north west.

Getting out of town

With winter fast approaching our social ride leaders are making the most of the good weather with a few different ride options, including a long ride to New Norfolk and exploration around Oatlands.

Take me to the April sun in Moonah

There are heaps of social rides this fortnight in all corners of the state to choose from, including a return of a recumbent ride in the north. Get in before the weather turns cooler to enjoy our beautiful autumn weather.

The long and the short of our social rides

There’s an even spread of distances in our social rides this fortnight, with a new longer ride on offer out of Hobart to Brighton and even longer ride from Longford.

As Bike Week tails off, new rides on the way

We’ve still got several Bike Week social rides to go before heading back to our regular social rides agenda, but a Saturday trip to Maria Island is on the cards for anyone who wants to shake up their usual riding.

Bike Week packs out the rides this fortnight

The Bike Week rides are plumping up our usual social rides calendar, so if you can’t find a ride that suits you in the coming fortnight, well, we just don’t know what to do with you!

COVID can’t put the brakes on Bike Week

While the outbreak of the Omicron virus has put a dampener on many events, it can’t put the brakes on Tasmanian Bike Week on 6–13 March because it’s all about getting on your bike and having fun.

Heading high into the hills in February

Lots of our rides this fortnight have a few climbs in them, so cross your fingers that the winds are lying low and head out on your bike to test your knees and thighs, or just take the e-bike!