

Just in...

Build it and they will ride

Sydney commuters are leaving their cars at home and shifting to buses, trains and bike paths (if they exist).
Super Tuesday North 2017

Northern Territory at the top end of female participation

The Northern Territory continues to cement its position as Australia’s bike riding capital with Super Tuesday North data revealing an almost even spread of male and female riders today. Currently, Super Tuesday data shows that only one in three bike riders are women across the rest of Australia. While full results are still to come, [...]
Western Australian McGowen Government increases funding for cycling by 50% over four years

WA cranks up cycle funding

The Western Australian McGowen Government has increased funding for cycling by 50% over the next four years and promises to improve transport diversity.
Health report

Health report – August 2017

We've done the rounds of the recent local and international health research to bring you a wrap up of reasons to ride a bike.
NSW local government elections

Cast your vote for bikes

With NSW local government elections fast approaching, there’s still time to put bikes on the local government agenda before Saturday 9 September.