Our call in The Age for TAC coverage to extend to bike riders has generated significant interest. We’d now love the help of all our amazing members, friends and the wider Victorian bike riding community.
Since the article in The Age we’ve met with the TAC and the Office of the Minister for Finance. Both were sympathetic to the position of bike riders and interested in the issue. However, they showed little interest in extending TAC coverage to whenever you’re riding a bike. There was a glimmer of interest in extending TAC coverage to whenever a rider hits a parked car, however.
This campaign was sparked by the plight of rider Rory Wilson who tragically became a paraplegic after riding into the back of a parked truck. If he’d been on his way to work, or hit the truck door, he’d have received vital lifetime care and rehabilitation through the TAC.
Unfortunately, this is not a one off incident. Over the past 12 months sadly we’ve lost both a current and previous member who were killed after hitting parked vehicles. Both were experienced and skilled riders.
So how can you help? We’d love all our members and friends to write to the following people:
- The Victorian Minister for Finance, The Hon. Robin Scott MP at robin.scott@parliament.vic.gov.au
- The Chief Executive Officer of the TAC, Joe Calafiore at Joe_Calafiore@tac.vic.gov.au
Please ask them to extend TAC coverage to all people on bicycles and at the very least to whenever a bike rider has a crash with a parked vehicle.
And, if you own a vehicle, remind them that you pay TAC premiums and the following statement on the TAC web site is therefore plain wrong:
Put very simply, cyclists do not pay a TAC premium and therefore they aren't covered unless certain specific criteria spelt out in the Transport Accident Act are met.
Read Bicycle Network CEO Craig Richards' call for extended TAC coverage in The Age.