

International news

Safe trucks now a London standard

Safe trucks now a London standard

London has become the first city in the world to introduce the Direct Vision Standard for all trucks in the British capital, in a bid to protect bike riders and pedestrians.
Siren call of tabloids turns sour

Siren call of tabloids turns sour

A favourite complaint about how bike lanes and traffic calming measures slow down critical emergency services transport has been debunked.
Transport a route to better health

Transport a route to better health

New research shows that those who ride to work are among the few getting healthier in a population that overall is getting chronically sicker.
The Netherlands by numbers

The Netherlands by numbers

A new release of cycling data from the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy reveals some interesting statistics that leave no doubt as to why the Dutch are such a healthy bunch.
Bikes can make big impact on climate crisis

Bikes can make big impact on climate crisis

An in depth study of the carbon-reducing impact of city-based lifestyle changes revealed that swapping just one trip from car to bike can significantly lower a populations' carbon footprint.
The longest bike bridge in Europe

The longest bike bridge in Europe

For a neat $10M the towns of Winschoten to Blauwestad are now connected by the longest bike bridge in Europe, spanning 800 metres across a canal, freeway and nature reserve.