

November 2024

Tunnel collapse closes Alpine Road

UPDATE: The Great Alpine Road has reopened between Harrietville and Dargo High Plains Road following repairs to a section of road damaged by a collapsed mine tunnel.
A woman wearing casual clothes waits at the lights on her bike while a road cyclist rides in front of her and traffic also waits at the lights.

Hobart bike trips jump in new survey

The Greater Hobart Household Travel Survey has been released and shows a big jump in bike trips over the past five years, especially for older Tasmanians.

Key Coburg corridor set for makeover

One of the most important bike routes across Melbourne’s north will be revamped in a transport and urban design project launched by the City of Merri-bek.

Bike-friendly trains roll out

The first of the new X’Trapolis 2.0 trains, featuring greatly improved provision for bike riders, has rolled off the assembly line in Ballarat.

Better bike facilities for Brunswick

Albert Street in Brunswick could feature a better environment for bike travel under improvement plans to make it easier to walk and ride along the street.

Toowoomba leads Qld on active street design

Queensland’s first Safe Active Street, which gives priority to bikes and active travel, has won the 2024 Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia excellence award this week.

Bike riders to the rescue in Valencian floods

Violent floods caused by a Dana phenomenon (when warm, moist air meets cold air, creating an unstable weather system; and worsened by climate change) had devastating effects in Valencia’s southern outskirts (Spain) earlier this month.