


A sunny return to big bike rides at Peaks

The bike riding gods were smiling on the nearly 1,800 riders who signed up to tackle Australia's toughest one-day cycling challenge, Peaks Challenge Falls Creek 2022.

Cycleway & bridge rides rule March into April

The Intercity Cycleway is getting a workout from our social ride leaders over the coming weeks with all of the southern rides utilising this critical piece of infrastructure, while our north-west riders make the most of their quieter roads to see Latrobe and Sassafras.

Perfect weather for Peaks

Perfect weather conditions and a return to big bike rides helped create a joyous atmosphere at Peaks Challenge Falls Creek today where new a finisher record was set.

Rider stories: Island idyll

Away from the beaten tourist-track, Sulawesi offers mountainous terrain, lush foliage and all the ingredients for an amazing cycling trip. Colin Freestone shares his experiences gained from 15 years exploring the island.