


Safer speeds boost liveability around Europe

A new study into lower speed limits in major European cities has laid bare the wide-ranging benefits for residents and road users, which include reductions in crash fatalities, noise pollution, transport emissions and fuel consumption.

Bling utes cheat taxpayers

Big, black, bling, blocking out the sun and your view of the road. Giant utes: you can’t help but notice them, and that's the idea, of course.

Trail upgrade strategy makes waves on NSW mid-coast

Those living on the New South Wales coast north of Newcastle love to ride bikes and take a stroll, and the local council is moving to better accommodate these interests with a 10-year Walk, Cycle and Trail-based Activity Strategy.

Bike path to grow longer in Orange

Orange in New South Wales is in line for a nice new stretch of bike path, one that will expand the off-road network and improve access to schools, playgrounds and sports facilities.

Hit-run driver heads to prison

A driver with an appalling record and matching criminal history has been sentenced to seven years and 10 months goal over the hit-run death of a bike rider in 2022.