


Drivers twig to local speed and red light cameras

New data from the Victorian Government seems to show that drivers have identified and memorised the locations of fixed position speed and red light cameras near where they live, making sure they drive more slowly and carefully close to home.

Veloway hits halfway mark

The elevated Veloway from Footscray to the city has hit the half-way mark with a long continuous stretch of the path now connected.

Separated bike lane stretches out in Perth

The finishing touches have been applied to a new bike lane in Perth, providing riders with a relaxing new journey to the local shops, restaurants and urban amenities.

Go time on the Great Southern Rail Trail

As Victoria’s second-longest rail trail spanning the many farmlands, forests and townships across Gippsland, the complete Great Southern Rail Trail is an achievement well worth celebrating.

Mortlake to share the Great Vic experience

Nine students from Mortlake College in Western Victoria are honing their skills and planning their training for this year's Great Vic Bike Ride, thanks to the generous donations made to our Great Vic Schools Support Fund.

The fix is in for crook knees: exercise

There has been a major change in the medical profession’s approach to treating one of Australia’s most widespread and debilitating diseases: less surgery and more exercise.